2021 Sponsorship Workshop on Zoom
Hear from sponsors and sponsees who will share their perspectives, insights, and personal experience.
Hear from sponsors and sponsees who will share their perspectives, insights, and personal experience.
All OA members are welcome to attend our monthly Unity Intergroup meeting on Zoom. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 ID 810 4426 4132 / PW 12345# Phone: 312-626-6799 12345#
To register, contact [email protected]. Registration is required as class size is limited. The zoom link will be sent to registrants You will need to have a sponsor or someone who […]
To register, contact [email protected]. Registration is required as class size is limited. The zoom link will be sent to registrants You will need to have a sponsor or someone who […]
All OA members are welcome to attend our monthly Unity Intergroup meeting on Zoom. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 ID 810 4426 4132 / PW 12345# Phone: 312-626-6799 12345#
Two half-day sessions for a deep dive into the Twelve Traditions of OA. The focus is improving relationships using the Traditions.
Two half-day sessions for a deep dive into the Twelve Traditions of OA The focus is improving relationships using the Traditions.
All OA members are welcome to attend our monthly Unity Intergroup meeting on Zoom. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 ID 810 4426 4132 / PW 12345# Phone: 312-626-6799 12345#
All OA members are welcome to attend our monthly Unity Intergroup meeting on Zoom. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 ID 810 4426 4132 / PW 12345# Phone: 312-626-6799 12345#
To register, contact [email protected]. Registration is required as class size is limited. The zoom link will be sent to registrants You will need to have a sponsor or someone who […]