Intergroup Meeting (May 13)
Intergroup Meeting (May 13)
Zoom Meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 Meeting ID: 810 4426 4132 / Passcode: 12345#
Zoom Meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 Meeting ID: 810 4426 4132 / Passcode: 12345#
Join Lawrie C. on Zoom for an immersion in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous Friday (evening), Saturday (all day), and Sunday (morning) Registration Required: $25 (make checks payable to Unity Intergroup Zoom meeting only: Must register with email; you will be sent Zoom meeting link and information Contact Bob to register, or mail in […]