Jan. 16, 2021: OA Quick Steps Workshop (Part 1)
Saturday, January 16 & 30, 20219:00 am–12:30 pm CT Two-part Zoom workshop focused on working through the steps of Overeaters Anonymous
Saturday, January 16 & 30, 20219:00 am–12:30 pm CT Two-part Zoom workshop focused on working through the steps of Overeaters Anonymous
Male Panel Discussion Aging Panel Discussion Small group activities Big group sharing Lunch in small groups – with small group activity Suggested donation: $5 – payable to www.overeaters.org For more info: contact Meg M at [email protected] or 763-244-6098 Zoom link will be sent out the day before the workshop
Saturday, January 16 & 30, 20219:00 am–12:30 pm CT Two-part Zoom workshop focused on working through the steps of Overeaters Anonymous
Two-part Zoom workshop focused on working through the steps of Overeaters Anonymous
Zoom workshop on communicating with a Higher Power using Prayer, Meditation, and Journaling Through the Steps.
Two-part workshop focused on working through the steps of Overeaters Anonymous
All OA members are welcome to our monthly business meeting on Zoom
All OA members are welcome to attend our monthly Unity Intergroup meeting on Zoom. Still seeking a Board Treasurer!! Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 ID 810 4426 4132 / PW 12345# Phone: 312-626-6799 12345#
Speaker will go into detail on actively working all 12 steps. The Step 4 – 9 inventory process will be taught with hands-on real world examples. Register online at https://overeaters.org/upcoming-oa-events/ or Send form & check postmarked by June 18th payable to Unity Intergroup: Unity Intergroup – BBStudy, 5115 Excelsior Blvd. Box 325, St. Louis Park, […]
All OA members are welcome to attend our monthly Unity Intergroup meeting on Zoom. ID 810 4426 4132 / PW 12345# Phone: 312-626-6799 12345# Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09