2023 Unity Intergroup Convention, Oct. 6–7
Crown Plaza West Hotel, Plymouth, MN
Crown Plaza West Hotel, Plymouth, MN
The purpose of this 2-part Zoom workshop is to get people through the 12 Steps quickly, to help people obtain a successful, life-long recovery, and aid in retention and growth of recovered compulsive eaters in OA. Please direct any questions to: [email protected]
Zoom Meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 Meeting ID: 810 4426 4132 / Passcode: 12345#
The purpose of this 2-part workshop is to get people through the 12 Steps quickly, to help people obtain a successful, life-long recovery, and aid in retention and growth of recovered compulsive eaters in OA. Please direct any questions to: [email protected]
Zoom Meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 Meeting ID: 810 4426 4132 / Passcode: 12345#
For info and Zoom link, contact Jean at 612-867-7458 Zoom and in-person at Pax Christi Church, 12100 Pioneer Trail, Eden Prairie
Zoom Meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 Meeting ID: 810 4426 4132 / Passcode: 12345#
Tools to enhance your program, help your sponsees, strengthen your meeting! Zoom link ID: 81986681879 | PW: 299120
Zoom Meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81044264132?pwd=ZXIzZ1lsQ0xDb0c0QVhSak1MaFhWZz09 Meeting ID: 810 4426 4132 / Passcode: 12345#
To register, click on the following link: https://airtable.com/shrI6LWbh1vgMjCeV Please direct any questions to: [email protected] Registration is required as class size is limited. The zoom link will be sent to registrants. You will need to have a sponsor or someone who can listen to your 5th Step. There are no fees for this workshop, but we […]