About Unity Intergroup

Unity Intergroup serves approximately 35 Overeaters Anonymous meetings in the Twin Cities, Central and Southern Minnesota, and Western Wisconsin, to help carry the message of recovery to those who suffer from the disease of compulsive eating. Unity Intergroup is affiliated with the World Service Office (WSO) of Overeaters Anonymous and Region 5.

Mailing Address
Unity Intergroup
5115 Excelsior Blvd. Box 325
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
(inside UPS store at Miracle Mile Shopping Center)

Monthly Intergroup Business Meeting

All OA members are encouraged to attend our monthly Intergroup business meetings to help guide the direction of our Intergroup.
Intergroup meets the second Saturday of the month from 12:30–2:30 pm on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 810 4426 4132 Passcode: 12345
Phone: +13126266799 Passcode: 12345#

7th Tradition Contributions

Per our Seventh Tradition, Overeaters Anonymous is fully self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations. The OA Board of Trustees suggests that OA groups use a 50/10/40 split when passing along their contributions: 50% to Unity Intergroup, 10% to Region, and 40% to the World Service Office.

How Unity Intergroup Supports Our OA Community

  • Conventions, retreats, and workshops
  • Start-up funds for new meetings
  • Monthly newsletter Expressions of Unity
  • Monthly Intergroup business and board meetings
  • Zoom account for Intergroup meetings and workshops
  • Website content management
  • Google-certified web developer to maintain website
  • Telephone hotline
  • Funding to send reps to Region Assemblies
  • Funding to send delegates to World Service Business Conferences
  • Outreach to healthcare professionals
  • Constant Contact account and staff to manage communications and build registration pages
  • Professional bookkeeping and annual audits

2024 Intergroup Board

Marque N, Chair: thumprq@gmail.com
Amanda A, Co-chair: aanderson34@gmail.com
Liz Z, Secretary: lizzeno@icloud.com
Jean K, Treasurer: jeank.unityig@gmail.com